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Karate Near Me | How To Pick Between The Ocean Of Options

So, you’ve been made the choice to start practicing martial arts. Maybe you’re interested in it for yourself. Maybe you want to get your child involved. A quick google search for “karate near me” and you’ll likely learn you have too many choices.

There are as many martial arts schools as coffee shops. Seriously, I drive past three martial arts schools on my way to the studio I teach at. It’s only a ten minute drive.

Now, you have to pick between a dozen karate schools within a stone’s throw of your home. Most of them with glowing five-star reviews.

How do you choose?

As a martial arts instructor, I can give you the inside scoop as to what I’d look for. I’ve taught martial arts for six years at Dinoto Karate Center. Since it’s my passion, I’ve also trained at several schools over the years too.

Here are the five things you want to think about:

  1. Cleanliness
  2. Customer Service & Student Communication
  3. The Style of School
  4. How they Teach
  5. What is the School Climate Like

FYI the order I list these is arbitrary. They are all important in how you evaluate what Karate or Martial arts school is right for YOU.


It I walk into a gym and I don’t believe that it’s clean, I walk out. Martial Arts Schools aren’t your average retail business where cleanliness is important, but if I don’t think they clean daily it can be accepted.

If my face is gonna be on that floor at some point, cleanliness must be un-paralleled. When you’re talking to the instructor about their program, ask when the studio is cleaned?

They should be able to give you a specific answer.

I’m writing this in the middle of the pandemic. As of right now, we are cleaning in between every single class with high-test cleaners.

You know what clean looks like. Make a point to check and see if the school is clean enough that you’d feel comfortable lying on the floor and taking a nap.

Customer Service and Communication

Most martial arts schools are a community center. There are events for you and your kids. The class schedule may have extra seminars or a promotion on the horizon. You will want to know what is going on. It’s important to know that your instructors will get the word out.

Do the instructors greet you when you come into the first class? How do they greet you when you come in?

At Dinoto Karate we make the point to greet every student as they come through the front door ASAP.

Feel how well they communicate with you and how often.

Style of Karate

I don’t mean ask them if they do Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, or Karate. If you’re looking for something specific, then those are important.

What is more important is the kind of school they are. Some schools are tournament focused and spend lots of time prepping for competition. Other schools train so aggressively that injuries are just assumed. Some schools—like Dinoto Karate Center—are family focused.

None of these approaches are bad. They all know exactly who they’re serving and will teach them appropriately. You do want your goals to line up with the focus of the Karate school you’re going to. Five-year-old Timmy is training to work on his self-control and discipline. The high-impact-tournament school might not be focused on hitting those goals.

How do the instructors teach

Listen, there are dozens of teaching methods. Some instructors can practice witchcraft and mange fifteen little champions with a soft, constantly reaffirming voice. Other instructors are high-energy and bombastic.

Watch how the teach the class that your child will be a part of. It’s the best way to see the Magic of what that martial arts instructor can do.

What is the school culture

In the Industry we often call this your school-climate. Martial arts schools all have a community of students and a good instructor will work to nudge that community in a way that foster’s their goals.

Our students excitedly greet each other before class. Our families are friends outside of the studio. That’s the goal for us. We are the friendliest place in town.

Feel how the students interact with each other, even mid pandemic. This is the community that you’re going to be a part of. Do you want to be?

I’ve always been proud of how open and multi-cultural our studio is. We have a disproportionate number of minority students.

One last thing…

The question of what is the best Karate school is about deciding who will help you and your family accomplish your goals?

Visit the schools near you and think about those five bullets above. You will find a school that will fit you need.  

If you’re near Mount Laurel and you think it is our school that is best for you, then come try your first class with us for free. Consider it your gift from me. A personal first class to see how we hold up.

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